Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saving the planet (sort of!)

Hello everyone!

I received a great email from a friend of mine and I'd like to pass it along to an effort to do my part in saving the planet (and retrieving room in my closet), I'll be dropping off a few pairs myself (hopefully the grinding and crushing will also remove foot odors before they are reused!!)

Recycle your nikes at the Quarry:
Nike reuses their shoes by grinding them down and creating sports courts and running tracks! Good job, Nike!

Nike-ReuseAShoe Program
If you are dropping off 10 pairs or less you can take them directly to the store. If you have a larger donation, please call ahead to: 210-824-7000.

San Antonio's local drop off:

The Quarry
The Athlete’s Foot
7322 Jones Maltsberger, Ste. 218
San Antonio TX 78209

For those of you not in our area, please check this link below for drop off sites in your neck of the woods!

Spread the word & feel good about it not going into the local landfill -- every little thing we do can help the environment!