Saturday, January 3, 2009

News flash!

Hello again!!

A "standard" in the wedding industry is this....holidays (without fail) bring new engagements to my doorstep....inevitable, I watch for it, plan for it, know it will bring smiling (ok, outright giddy grins!) faces to my office. I know it!! I anticipate and am axious for it.

This holiday season was no different, the calls have started already.....but with just a little bit of a tweak.....three, (count them) THREE of my staff are newly engaged! People, are you paying attention.....THREEEEEEEE of my staff are getting married.......THIS YEAR! lol (ok, Julie is the exception...she's giving me the required 12months ONLY because her long time boyfriend-turned fiance is freaking out that he actually got the nerve to buy the ring!!) lol

Anyway, as you see the ladies in the hallways......give them the knowing "wink" the glad "hug" or the outright SCREAMS OF JOY that we all share when celebrating something as exciting as this!

Julie (one of my best!) is getting married in march 2010, Tiffany (a newcomer on the rise) is getting married this fall (september), and Erin (who I pulled unwillingly back into the business!) is having a grand THANKSGIVING wedding.

Congratulations ladies! Let the fun begin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow...You will have your hands full!

Let me know if you will need any help. =)

elan Imaging